New blog powered by Octopress

Posted by Steven Clontz on October 25, 2012

Hey everyone! Thanks for checking out my new blog*. After deciding I didn’t need to waste so much cash on domain names I don’t use and web space I barely needed, I took down along with most of my other old PHP/Wordpress sites. I’ll get to point here sometime soon.

Thanks to James Dabbs for showing Octopress to me the other day - a blogging system with Git revision control and hosting by Heroku sounds alright to me.

I’ll be working on my About page and getting my Resume up to date over the coming days. Email me at if you need to get in touch with me! See ya.


*Is this sentence obligatory for a first blog post? I almost always see it, and it sounded awkward not to include it. Thanks again I guess. :-)