
hello world

My programming experience covers a variety of platforms and languages, including Ruby, Python, and Javascript. Naturally, a lot my work in those languages involves web development, but I’ve been known to hack on a few other types of projects as well.

I’m a strong believer in open-source. If it weren’t for free languages and libraries I’d never have picked up programming as a hobby, much less a vocation. By working as a community, we can create robust and secure applications for the betterment of society. Two of my major open-source projects are the Checkit framework I maintain for authoring and generating randomizable outcomes-based assessments, and the PreTeXt project I contribute to which allows authors to semantically describe the content of scholarly documents such as textbooks and research papers, and export this content to accessible HTML, printable PDF, tactile braille writing and graphics, and more.

During graduate school, I co-founded (no longer in service), a CRM for collegiate music organizations which operated from 2011-2015. It was built on Ruby on Rails (previously Django) and Angular. Many of the lessons learned on that project have informed my work on the ScholarLattice science gateway for mathematics reserach powered by Svelte and Supabase.

My GitHub has a bunch of my repos if you want to see what I’m working on these days.