Marked-down resume

Posted by Steven Clontz on October 28, 2012

A project that had been almost as long overdue as reviving was updating my neglected resume.

The tl;dr version: check it out at! But if you think that looks nice and would like to check out the web app that powers it, please read on. :-)

I knew I wanted my resume to be web-first. The last time I wrote a resume (back in early 2011) I had TeX’d it up locally. And hey, at least that’s better than a Word document, right? However, and maybe I’ve gotten lazier in the past two years… but trudging through this didn’t seem appealing:

    \begin{ressubsec}{Auburn University}{Auburn, AL}{Bachelor's of Science and Master of Science in Mathematics}
        \ressubitem{Undergraduate GPA: 3.88 (overall), 4.00 (Major)}
        \ressubitem{Undergraduate Graduation Date: May, 2008 (Summa Cum Laude, University Honors Scholar)}
        \ressubitem{Masters GPA: 4.00}
        \ressubitem{Masters Graduation Date: December, 2010}
        \ressubitem{Currently pursuing Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics at Auburn}

So began my search for a simpler way. My first instinct was Markdown - it’s what Teloga uses, it’s what Reddit uses, heck, it’s what this blog uses. And certainly this markup is a lot friendlier to read and edit:


####Auburn University - Auburn, AL

* Bachelor's of Science in Mathematics (2008)
    * 3.9 overall GPA | 4.0 major GPA
    * Summa Cum Laude | University Honors Scholar | Phi Kappa Phi | Phi Beta Kappa
    * Honors thesis in unfoldings of convex polyhedra | Undergraduate Research Fellow
* Master of Science in Mathematics (2010)
    * 4.0 GPA
    * Master thesis in linearly ordered topological spaces
* Doctoral Candidate in Mathematics
    * Currently writing dissertation on limited information strategies in topological games

So I thought the simple thing to do would be to just make a page on this blog for the resume. And when I did, it didn’t look half bad either.

The only problem… I’d probably need a PDF version as well, and maybe even have to print it at some point. Silly old media.

Now, keeping multiple copies of the same resume definitely violates DRY; I wanted a slicker solution. So my first idea was to just print the webpage from Chrome and save it as a PDF.


So, the issue that Octopress’s default theme doesn’t have a nice print stylesheet is a topic for another day, but I figured there was someone else out there of a similar mind that would have already paved the way for a nice way to share a resume written in Markdown.

As it often does, the Google helped me find an answer earlier today:

Looks nice, and it prints well too. Incidentally, Mr. Welch’s resume app makes use of this very cool Ruby gem called Sinatra which I may need to look more into for simple apps. I’m new to Ruby (hey maybe I can add it to my resume now though) but hacking his app to do what I wanted was pretty straight forward.

I added a few extra variables to the configuration YAML to store the URL of the page itself and the URL of a QR Code image leading to that URL, which I use in a couple of nice extra features:

  1. If the page is printed, it adds a line to the top: “Optimized for web http://resume_url”
  2. A QR code floats in the upper right of the page, also linking to the digital version of the resume.

You can see it in action at my resume page, and my forked version of the app can be found on my Github.

There are still a couple of tweaks that might be nice to have if I decide to work on this more later.

  • It’d be preferable to have a script to burn a PDF from the Markdown file rather than using a browser printout, possibly leveraging LaTeX.
  • A simple change would be to move some of the basic data (name, address, etc.) into the configuration file to standardize the header.

In the meantime, I hope you found all this interesting, and maybe I’ve inspired you to use revision control and Markdown to maintain your own resume!