Eric's Puzzle Party 14

Posted by Steven Clontz on April 13, 2014

My team won EPP14!

I added a GitHub repository which has the code I wrote to tackle three of the puzzles, but the most fun I had was surprising not the mathematics and coding.

Nope, it was playing Adventure for the Atari 2600.

The Easter Egg-themed puzzlehunt was capped off by an old-school hidden puzzle. I was very fortunate to be on a team with several other talented puzzlers, since I wouldn’t have cracked the code that got me to the Atari joystick. But once there, I managed to uncover the first video game Easter Egg in just over 17 minutes. Normal puzzles were worth 100 points, but this hidden puzzle was worth up to 300 points, minus 3 points per minute expired in finding the egg, scoring us 249 points.

It almost made up for the 200-300 points we destroyed by dropping our egg in the Egg Toss earlier that day. :-)

Again, check out my GitHub to learn more about the coding I did to solve a few puzzles, and I’m sure Eric will update his EPP14 page with more information on the party and puzzles after a well-deserved rest. Here’s to another great game, Mr. Harshbarger!